- The Parliamentary form of government is also referred to as – Westmpinster model
- After Independence, the first elected Parliament came into existence in – 1952
- Dissolution of the lower house, Majority party rule and Collective responsibility are the principles of – Parliamentary government
- According to Article 79, the Parliament of India comprises of – President, Lok Sabha, and Rajya Sabha
- The Speaker of the Lok Sabha is elected by – Members of Lok sabha
- Total number of members in a legislative council should not exceed that of legislative assembly by -1/3
- According to Article 169, the minimum number of members in Legislative Council should be – 40
- The minimum number of members required to smoothly run the functioning of the House is known as – Ǫuorum
- The lower house of the state legislature is called – Legislative Assembly
- The first sitting of Rajya Sabha was held on – 13 May, 1952
- The total number of members nominated by the President as Members of the Rajya Sabha – 12
- The state having second highest number of seats in Rajya Sabha – Maharashtra
- The total number of Ministers, including the Chief Minister, in the Council of Ministers shall not exceed 15% of the total number of members of the Legislative Assembly – Article 164 (1A)
- The council of ministers of a state are collectively responsible to the – Legislative Assembly
- The Business advisory committee of the lok Sabha is chaired by – Speaker
- The Business Advisory Committee of the Rajya Sabha was constituted for the first time in – 1952
- One third of the members of Rajya sabha retire every – second year
- The provisions regarding the sessions of Parliament, prorogation and dissolution are mentioned in – Article 85
- President decides on the question as to the disqualification of Members of Parliament in consultation with the – Election Commission
- Number of times generally a Bill is read in Parliament – Thrice
- The ex-officio Chairman of the Rajya Sabha is – Vice President
- The first elected Lok Sabha came into existence in – April, 1952
- The joint session of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha is presided by – Speaker of Lok Sabha
- The panel of chairpersons in the Lok Sabha consists of – 10 members
- The Indian Parliamentary Group was established in – 1949
- Provisions related to the annual financial statement (Budget) is mentioned Under – Article 112
- Ǫualification to become a member of the Parliament mentioned in – Article 84
- According to Article 75(3) of the Indian Constitution, the Council of Ministers is collectively responsible to – Lok Sabha
- Money Bill cannot be introduced in the Council of States (Rajya Sabha) is mentioned in – Article 109(1)
- The provision for separate secretarial staff for each House of Parliament is defined under – Article 98(1)
- The composition of the House of the People or Lok Sabha – Article 81
- The definition and provisions regarding Money Bills are Covered in – Article 110
- The Articles of Parliament in the Constitution of India are discussed in – Chapter II
- Sessions of Parliament, prorogation, and dissolution are mentioned in – Article 85
- Business in Indian Parliament shall be transacted in Hindi or English mention in – Article 120(1)
- Power of Parliament to impose restrictions on trade, commerce and intercourse given in – Article 302
- composition of the Council of State (Rajya Sabha) specifies in – Article 80
- Parliament is empowered to establish additional courts for better administration of laws under – Article 247
- Article of the Indian Constitution that provides for a bicameral Parliament – Article 79
- A Money Bill that allows for the withdrawal or appropriation of funds from the Consolidated Fund of India is – Appropriation Bill
- The first session of the Lok Sabha of Independent India held on – 13 May 1952
- Regarding Parliamentary Committees a minister cannot be a member of – Public Accounts Committee
- The upper house of a state legislature is known as – Vidhan Parishad
- The election of Parliament, State Legislature and the posts of the President and the Vice President are administered by -Election Commission
- After Independence, the Indian Parliament in its policy objectives endorsed the idea of a – Socialist society
- The minimum age required to become a member of the Lok Sabha is – 25 years
- The members of a Vidhan Parishad are elected for a term of – 6 years
- The Constitution of India permits a maximum of 550 members in the Lok sabha, comprising 530 representatives from the States and 20 from – Union territories
- The Council of Ministers is collectively responsible to – Lok Sabha
- The joint sitting of the Parliament is called by the President of India, mentioned in – Article 108
- The Constitution of Parliament for the union is mentioned in – Article 79
- The quorum to constitute a meeting of either House of Parliament shall be 1/10 of the total number of members of the House, mentioned in – Article 100 (3)
- The First hour of a sitting of the House allotted for – Ǫuestion hour
- Under Article 111 of the Constitution, a money bill presented to the President must be certified by – Speaker of the Lok Sabha
- The Constitution provides for disqualification of a Member of Parliament if he/she is absent continuously for – 60 days
- The bicameral legislature of the Indian Constitution is the – Legislative body with two houses
- To initiate a no-confidence motion in the Lok Sabha, a minimum support of how many members is required – 50
- Motion that is moved for ascertaining the confidence of Lok sabha in the Council of ministers is – No confidence motion
- Committee of Appointments, Committee on Political Affairs, Committee on Investment and Growth are – cabinet committee
- The maximum time gap between two sessions of the State Legislature is – Six months
- The legislative organ of the Union Government is called – Parliament
- The first speaker of the Lok Sabha was – GV Mavalankar
- The first general election for Lok Sabha held in – 1951-52
- A person can remain a minister without being a member of either House of the State Legislature for – 6 months
- The salary and allowance of the Prime Minister of India is determined by – Parliament of India
- While a proclamation of emergency is in operation the duration of the Lok Sabha can be extended for a period of – One year at a time
- The parliamentary elections, Presidential and Vice Presidential elections and the office of the Election Commission come under – Union list
- The Council of States also known as – Rajya Sabha
- The normal term of Lok Sabha is – 5 Years
- A Money bill shall not be introduced in the Council of states, mentioned in – Article 109
- Provisions for Abolition or creation of Legislative Councils in States mentioned in – Article 169
- Ancillary powers of the Supreme Court is determined by – Parliament of India
- The annual budget is presented before the Lok Sabha by – Finance Minister
- In India, the duty to adjourn the Legislative Assembly or Council in the absence of quorum falls on the – Speaker/Chairman
- According to Article 80 the maximum strength of the Rajya Sabha is – 250
- The minimum age for member of the Rajya Sabha in India is – 30 years
- Lok Sabha has a fixed term of five years and can be dissolved at any time – by president
- The presiding officer of the Lok Sabha is called – The Speaker
- The Parliament of India is also known as – Sansad
- In the Rajya Sabha, the President of India can nominate a maximum of – 12 members
- The Rajya Sabha must return a Money Bill to the Lok Sabha within – 14 days
- The maximum limit of constituencies that a candidate can contest – Two
- The Lok Sabha was duly constituted for the first time on – 17 April 1952
- The tenure of a Rajya Sabha member is – 6 years
- In India, The Estimates Committee constituted for the first time in – 1950
- The term ‘Parliament’ refers to – National legislature
- Persons related to Literature, science, art and social service can be nominated by President for – Rajya sabha
- The power to alter the boundary or change the name of a state lies with the – Parliament
- In Parliamentary system Government at the National level was led by – Prime Minister & Council of Ministers
- Starred Ǫuestion, Unstarred Ǫuestion, Short Notice Ǫuestion are part of – Parliamentary Proceedings
- The supreme legislative body of India also known as the temple of the country’s democracy is – Parliament
- The number of members to represent Union Territories in Lok Sabha is limited to – 20
- A motion moved by a member to cut short the debate on a matter before the House – Closure Motion
- The power to abolish or create a legislative council in a state is vested in – Parliament
- The Parliament of India is divided into – Two house
- Membership of ministers in the legislature, presence of nominal and real executives are features of – Parliamentary Government
- The draft of a legislative proposal that needs to be passed in both houses of Parliament of India to become an Act called – Bill
- When no party get clear majority, then Alliance formed by party is – Coalition
- The period between prorogation of Parliament and re-assembly in a new session is termed as – Recess
- In the absence of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha, Joint sitting of Parliament is presided by – Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha
- Prime Minister, President of India and council of ministers are part of – Union Executive
- The total number of Rajya Sabha seats in Maharashtra is – 19
- A Minister will lose office if not a member of either House of Parliament for – six consecutive months.
- The Speaker of Lok Sabha submit his resignation to – Deputy Speaker of Lok sabha
- Constitution of India allows discussion in lok sabha without a formal motion under – Rule 193
- Pro tem speaker of Lok Sabha is appointed by – President of India
- The process of impeachment of the President can be initiated in – Either house of the parliament
- A motion of no confidence is moved against – Council of ministers
- Powers to protect the rights of states against the union vested in -Rajya Sabha
- Solicitor General of India is appointed by – Appointments Committee of the Cabinet
- Parliamentary forum for water Conservation and Management was first parliamentary forum
- , established in – 2005
- Parliamentary Forum on Disaster Management was formed on – 8 December 2011
- Parliamentary Forum on Artisans and Crafts-people was formed on – 26 April 2013
- Parliamentary Forum on Millenium Development Goals was formed on – 11 December 2013
- According to Article 249, Parliament can make law on any subject in the State List if such resolution is passed by – Rajya sabha
- Parliament has the power to include or exclude castes, races, and tribes from the list of Scheduled Castes under – Article 341 (2)
- Provisions regarding Parliament mentioned under – Part V (chapter II, Article 79 to 122)
- The Secretary General of Rajya Sabha is appointed by – Chairman of Rajya Sabha
- The secretary general of Lok Sabha is appointed by – Speaker of the Lok Sabha
- Bicameral legislatures involve two separate houses, while unicameral legislatures have only – one Legislative house
- India, Canada, Japan, and the United Kingdom have – Bicameral legislatures
- The old parliament architecture, constructed in 1927, was designed by – Edwin Lutyens and Herbert Baker
- The upper house of parliament is called – Rajya Sabha
- The lower house of the parliament is called – Lok Sabha
- According to article 100 (3), The quorum to constitute a meeting of the either House shall be
- One-tenth of the total Members of the House
- There are 3 parliamentary sessions in India, Budget session, Monsoon session and – Winter session
- Minimum age to become a member of lok sabha is – 25 years
- State that has the maximum Lok Sabha Constituencies – Uttar Pradesh (80)
- Rajya sabha is a permanent house because it is not subjected to – Dissolution
- Rajya Sabha member’s term is six years and elections are held for one-third of seats in every
- two years
- First Chairman of Rajya Sabha was – Dr S. Radhakrishnan
- The supreme legislative body of India is – Parliament
- The Parliament of India comprises of – President, Lok Sabha, and Rajya Sabha
- Power to alter boundary of any state lies with – Parliament
- Parliament can admit or establish new states in the Union under – Article 2
- According to Article 103(1), the final decision on the question of disqualification of members will be taken By – The President
- The Joint sitting of the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha is presided by – Speaker of the Lok Sabha
- Rajya sabha was first constituted on 3rd April 1952 and met for the first time on – 13 may 1952
- Rajya Sabha members are elected by the electoral college consists of – Elected members of Legislative Assembly and Union territories
- The Prime Minister and other Ministers are appointed by the President under – Article 75
- Provisions as to introduction and passing of Bills mentioned under – Article 107
- Article 117 is related to – Financial bill
- Article 368 is related to – Constitutional Amendment Bill
- Power of President to promulgate Ordinances during the recess of Parliament mentioned in
- Article 123
- The first elected Parliament of independent India came into existence in – 1952
- The First Speaker of the lok Sabha was – Ganesh Vasudev Mavalankar
- First female Speaker of the Lok Sabha Was – Meira Kumar
- No. of Lok Sabha seats in Meghalaya – 2
- States having only one Lok Sabha seat – Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim
- Total strength of elected members in the Lok Sabha is – 543
- The Constitution of India permits a maximum of 550 members in the Lok sabha, comprising 530 representatives from the States and 20 from – Union territories
- The full authority of the Lok Sabha is represented by the – Speaker
- Speaker and deputy speaker of lok sabha is elected by members of lok sabha mentioned in – Article 93
- The first general election of Lok Sabha was held in – 1951 – 1952
- A bill introduced by a minister in either house of the Parliament is called – Government Bill
- The executive that depends on the support of the majority in the parliament is called – parliamentary executive
- The maximum permissible gap between two sessions of parliament is – 6 months
- According to Article 110(3) the final authority to certify a bill as a money bill rests with the – Speaker of Lok sabha
- A money bill passed by the Lok Sabha has to be passed by the Rajya Sabha with in – 14 days
- Rule 230 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Rajya Sabha explains – Dilatory or delayed Motion
- After 1994, The number of sessions of the Rajya Sabha usually held in a year – Three
- The power to create new States and to alter the areas, boundaries or names of existing States is vested in – Parliament
- The first speaker of the Lok Sabha was – GV Mavalankar
- The maximum strength of the Rajya Sabha is – 250
- The maximum strength of the Lok Sabha is – 550
- Largest Lok Sabha constituency (area wise) – Ladakh
- Council of States / Upper House of the Parliament – Rajya Sabha
- The lower house of the Parliament or House of the People – Lok Sabha
- The Winter Session of the Parliament is held in the months of – November and December
- The tenure of the Lok Sabha members is – Five years
- Authorizing parliament to legislate on state list subject, is the exclusive jurisdiction of – Rajya Sabha
- A motion of no-confidence against the Council of Ministers, can be introduced only in – Lok sabha
- The disqualification of member of Lok Sabha on the ground of Defection is decided by – Speaker
- The time immediately after the question hour in parliament is – Zero Hour
- The time gap between the question hour and the agenda is known as – Zero hour
- The first speaker of the Madhya Pradesh Legislative Assembly was – Pandit Kunjilal Dubey
- The first Union budget of independent India was presented on 26 November 1947 by – R. K. Shanmukham Chetty
- The first meeting of a newly constituted Lok Sabha is presided by – Protem Speaker
- The Speaker of the Second Lok Sabha was – M. Ananthasayanam Ayyangar
- Power to make any provision with respect to the acquisition and termination of citizenship rests with – Parliament
- Elected to both Houses of Parliament, an individual must specify their preference of house he wishes to serve within -10 days
- The first hour of every parliamentary sitting is reserved for – Ǫuestion Hour
- Zero hour in the Indian Parliament starts at – 12:00 noon
- In politics, the Whip office is mentioned in – Parliamentary Tradition
- Attorney general of India have right to speak and take part in proceedings of the house under
- Article 88
- The judges of the Supreme Court are paid such salaries as are determined by – The Parliament
- A majority of more than 50% of the total members present and voting in the house is referred to as – Simple majority
- After the Finance Bill is introduced in the Parliament, it has to be passed within – 75 days
- The finance bill can only be introduced in – Lok Sabha
- A particular bill is a Money Bill or not is decided by – Speaker of the Lok Sabha
- Voting in Houses, power of Houses to act notwithstanding vacancies and Ǫuorum – Article 100
- Power of Parliament to amend the Constitution and its procedure is mentioned in – Article 368
- Special powers of the Rajya Sabha on the creation of All India Services is defined in – Article 312
- Powers, privileges of the Houses of Parliament and of its members and committees is dealt in – Article 105
- Article 112 of the Constitution of India is related to – Annual Financial Statement
- A Finance Bill is a Money Bill as defined in – Article 110
- As per the Article 106, salaries of the members of either House of Parliament are determined by – Parliament
- The maximum number of Rajya Sabha Seats is in – Uttar Pradesh (31)
- Parliament may, in the national interest, make laws on matters listed in the State List under
- Article 249
- Sessions of Parliament, prorogation and Dissolution are mentioned in – Article 85
- The joint sitting of the Parliament is called by the President under – Article 108
- The Head of the Secretariat of both house of the Parliament is – Secretary General
- The number of seats reserved for Scheduled Castes in the Lok Sabha is – 84
- The number of seats reserved for Scheduled Tribes in the Lok Sabha is – 47
- The number of electoral rolls are present for every territorial constituency for election of the Parliament is – 1
- The Constitution provides for reservation of seats in the Lok Sabha and State Legislative Assemblies for – Schedule Castes and Scheduled Tribes
- Starred Ǫuestion, Unstarred Ǫuestion & Short Notice Ǫuestion are kind of question related to – Indian Parliamentary Proceedings
- The Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly are elected from the members of the assembly itself, mentioned in – Article 178
- There shall be a Parliament for the Union consisting of the President, Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha, mentioned in – Article 79
- The Council of Ministers is collectively responsible to – Lok Sabha
- The Vice-president of India is ex-officio Chairman of – Rajya Sabha
- The final authority of making laws in any democratic country is – Parliament
- Rajya Sabha and Legislative council are permanent house and it cannot be subjected to – Dissolution
- The one third of members of Rajya Sabha retires every – Second year
- Elected to both Houses of Parliament, an individual must specify their preference of house he wishes to serve within -10 days
- Last session of the old Lok Sabha after a new Lok Sabha is elected is known as – Lame-duck session
- A joint sitting of two Houses of the Parliament is presided by the – Speaker of the Lok Sabha
- Central Minister ceases to be a Minister if he is not a member of Parliament for a period of – 6 Consecutive months
- The Protem Speaker of the Lok Sabha is appointed by – President
- As per Lok Sabha rules, the title ‘Leader of the House’ is bestowed upon the Prime Minister if he is a member of the – Lok Sabha
- 12 members are nominated in the Rajya Sabha by – President
- For amending most of the provisions in the Constitution by Parliament, a majority of – 2/3rd members is required
Category: One Liner, News, Polity
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